Enhanced Digital Security with Scienlabs

 Khizar Ahmed is the CEO of Scienlabs Technologies and an inventive thinker. Mr. Khizar is a developer and manager who has extreme knowledge of successfully and effectively prime complex assignments with his team. Not just that, but he is also a multi-talented personality with forwarding thinking.

Mr. Khizar set the targets to resolve the issues of people internationally about digital protection. Usually, online scammers are greatly challenging for everybody. With his team at Scienlabs Technologies, Khizar Ahmed set the target to unravel the issue of people and come up with trusted resolutions against online scammers. Khizar corporation is evolving with over thirty members recently and set the target to become a prime corporation giving solutions against online digital fraud. His corporation also has an online existence on LinkedIn.

Presently, he is the CEO of Scienlabs Technologies as mentioned above. He is also the previous CEO of TechVault Pte Ltd, where he performed till 2021. He is a professional in his sector with positive and forward-thinking. He is always eager to form his corporation the reputed one in the United Arab Emirates.

Scienlabs Technologies was formed in 2018, and its headquarter is based in the Dubai emirate. They formed Scienlabs to fight against all online digital defaulters and give their partners and end-utilizers a secure and safe portal.

Recently, they have evolved three products called i-witness, FROUS PROTECT, and Scam-Scan with extraordinary facilities of real-time video recording, smooth integration, heat map, and more. They have been performing with over twenty-five partners in ten distinct nations. They began this unit with four workers, and they have 30+ employees in their entity and yet counting.

Their target is to make Scienlabs a brand, which means that the clients should be able to recall their entity and its products or services. They wish them to sense a positive connection with this unit, which can assist in fighting all online defaulters and provides a protected and reliable business climate to all their clients and partners.

Their technical specialization is the major arm and biggest power of the corporation. Because of technical specialization, they have evolved some modern factors. They can proudly state that they are the first corporation to evolve these facilities in the recent market in comparison to other competitors. Moreover, positive feedback from current clients towards these facilities makes us inspired to make their anti-fraud solution protective and effective.

He majorly concentrates on their services, workers, and clients. He feels this is important to constantly enhance and get methods to complete the client’s requirements while maintaining its significance and standards. He also trusts that a positive workplace culture enhances teamwork, increases morale, enhances efficiency and productivity, and increases the retention of the workforce. Cooperation, job satisfaction, and work activities are all increased. Very significantly, their desire is to make awareness and lead a good life without online defaulters for all.

At Scienlabs, the modern fraudulent activity formed by scammers forces them to be very innovative. They are in a constant race with defaulters. In this sector, they must concern about one move forward of them, which makes them creative. They at Scienlabs are proactively making a podium where all their partners and utilizers feel protection and trust in the Digital World.

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